at the Badischer Bahnhof

Yvonne Romey


Rosentalstrasse 70

4058 Basel

Tel.: 061 691 13 66

Fax: 061 691 13 70

Opening hours
Mo, Tu & Th 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
We 8:00 am - 7:30 pm
Fr 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
and by appointment

Our Services

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Physiotherapy is a natural treatment that uses the body's natural adjustment mechanisms to evaluate and treat physical function disorders.

Physiotherapy activates the body's own self-healing potential through stimuli to which a person is inherently sensitised, such as movement (active and passive), pressure and tension, heat, cold, light.


Massages would have been liked by Paracelsus, Samuel Hahnemann and Reverend Kneipp - at least they came highly recommended in their works. Massages belong to the oldest form of human healing.

A massage can be either relaxing, pain-relieving or invigorating and help us to regain our inner and outer balance when the flow of our life energies has stalled.

We specialise in orthopaedics, rheumatology, surgery, traumatology, lymphology and neurology.

Group sessions

Monday 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Kundalini Yoga with Claudia

Kundalini Yoga is a method in which one learns to direct the energies in the body.
There are hundreds of different Kriyas (sequences of exercises/asanas) with a specific goal/purpose. Besides various exercises, different breathing exercises are done, mantras are chanted and meditations are practiced.

Friday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Feldenkrais with Sophie

The focus of Feldenkrais group work (ATM = Awareness Through Movement) is on refining your own body image and (re)learning new movement patterns and economical movement sequences. Through mindfully executed movements in numerous variations, you learn to improve your coordination, expand your range of action and move easily and effectively again. The movement sequences are guided verbally, whereby everyone can move according to their own ability.

About me

Yvonne Romey
Yvonne Romey
Medical massage therapist
Specialist Advanced
My daily motivation are the pleasure of working as a physiotherapist and the aim to help people individually to achieve self regulation.

My background

From an early age on I had a strong interest in the human body and natural medicine. After completing my vocational training as a massage therapist I moved directly to physiotherapy.

I completed several further training courses, including manual therapy & lymph drainage, foot reflexology & Tibetan honey massage. At the same time I gained professional experience in practices and spa facilities, from the North Sea island of Amrum to the beautiful Swiss canton of Grisons.

My physiotherapeutic activity is based on the model of Spiraldynamik® developed by physician Dr. med. Ch. Larsen together with physiotherapist Yolande Deswarte. After completing my Advanced Diploma in Spiraldynamik® in autumn 2010, I worked for 3 for years at the Spiraldynamik® Med Center in Basel.

Private life

Born and raised near Göttingen, I have lived in Freiburg im Breisgau for over 25 years, in a multi-generational house community on the outskirts of the city. In my free time I like to roam the nature on foot, by bike or on the back of my Icelandic horse.


Pauline Beaud Physiotherapist B.Sc..
Pauline Beaud
Physio­therapist B. Sc.

My work evolves around the firm belief that our body is our friend, or at the very least can become so again. As your physiotherapist, I show you ways to find back to this friendship. We choose a path together, but your friendship to your body ultimately belongs to you.

My Background

Everything started with my visually impaired great-grandpa who found his calling in massage therapy. For me, this career path continued from Swedish Kinetic Massage according to Kineconcept, over to Baron’s Structural Myofascial Therapy, all the way to a Bachelor in Physiotherapy in Canada, my second homeland. Over the years I added ideas and techniques from Meziere’s Postural Method, Stuart McGill’s Ultimate Back and Klein-Vogelbach’s Functional Kinetics. I have practised in the hospital, in private clinics, in the gym, in the seniors’ home and last but not least in the rehearsal room, as I was allowed to learn a lot through exchanges and mentorships from and for pro musicians.

Privat Endeavours

I am happiest with pencil in hand, whether for short comic vignettes, a larger interior deco project or of course, our patients’ exercise programs. I also enjoy the work of (more talented) artists at the museum, in the concert hall or simply in the city library. I get my exercise from dancing in the studio or in my own living-room, collecting rocks along the river or having a splash in the same river, and why not, on a snowy winter day.

Leonie Baur Physiotherapeutin
Leonie Baur
Sophie Beck M.Sc
Sophie Beck M.Sc.
Psycho­login DASNP
Feldenkrais-Pädagogin i.A.
Claudia Gunzenhauser
Claudia Gunzenhauser
Yoga Teacher

Claudia Gunzenhauser ist von Beruf Soziokulturelle Animatorin und arbeitet seit vielen Jahren in der Offenen Jugendarbeit.

Claudia oder Taj Hari, bei ihrem spirituellen Namen genannt, kam mit Kundalini Yoga das erste Mal in Berührung im Jahre 2010. Viele Jahre praktizierte sie als Schülerin Kundalini Yoga, wobei sie immer die angenehmen und entspannenden Auswirkungen auf ihren Körper und Geist wahrgenommen hat. Durch regelmässiges Reisen in Indien, ihrer geliebten Destination, nahm auch ihr Interesse an Yoga generell zu. Im Jahre 2019, nach dem Besuch des internationalen Kundalini Yoga Festivals von 3HO in Frankreich, entschied sie sich dazu, die Kundalini Yoga Lehrer*innen Ausbildung zu machen, nämlich die “KRI Stufe I Aquarian Teacher ”. 2021 startete sie dann mit der Stufe II, welche sie Ende dieses Jahres abschliessen wird. Gemeinsam mit Ausbildung Stufe I und Stufe II, wird sie eine 500-Stunden Ausbildung abschliessen und den Titel: «Registered Yoga Teacher of der Yoga Alliance» haben.

Our Practice

The practice is centrally located in Kleinbasel opposite the train station Badischer Bahnhof, on the border between Wettsteinquartier and Hirzbrunnenquartier, only a 1 minute's walk from Badischer Bahnhof. Parking is available in the car park 50 m away.


The practice is completely barrier-free and offers on over 160 square metres spacious, bright, and quiet individual treatment rooms as well as a large room for group sessions.

Sessions at home in the surrounding areas of the practice are possible with medical prescription.


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Patients with medical prescription:
The treatment costs are paid / reimbursed by every Swiss health insurance fund (Krankenkasse, Grundversicherung) or compensation insurance.
Patients without medical prescription:
Physiotherapy, classic massage, sports massage, connective tissue massage, and aromatherapy massage
Manual lymphatic drainage
Foot reflexology
Posture and movement training / Spiraldynamik®
3D stretch massage / Spiraldynamik®
For all direct payment services: 1 FREE session for the purchase of a 10 sessions pack!

Please note: If you are unable to keep an agreed appointment for physiotherapy or massage, we ask you to cancel the treatment appointment at least 24 hours* before the start of treatment.
If you cancel later or do not take advantage of the treatment without cancellation, and we are unable to book the treatment appointment elsewhere, we unfortunately have to charge you privately for the treatment costs.
Cancellations are also possible via answering machine, the tape is also played on the weekend.
*Exception: acute illness of the own person.

Contact & links
and legal note

Water lily


Yvonne Romey
Rosentalstrasse 70
4058 Basel
Telefon: +41 61 691 13 66
Mobile: +49 173 922 81 92

Website of the Swiss Association of Physiotherapy Section for patients with information about physiotherapy.

Information about the concept of movement and therapy, online archives, free newsletter.

Detailed information about foot reflexology according to Hanne Marquardt.

Very friendly dental practice in Kleinhüningen with a lot of experience in the field of CMD / Craniomandibular Dysfunction

Our contact for signs and stamps

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Notwithstanding careful verification, I assume no liability for the contents of external links. The owners of the linked websites are solely responsible for their content.